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7 steps for pharma to protect a New Product Introduction from failure

A New Product Introduction, NPI, is a complex and risky process. Even though approval dates are often not known in advance, transport must take place immediately after approval and must follow the specific requirements of the pharmaceutical. Damaged batches or delays could put the whole product launch at risk and could even have devastating consequences for the company and ultimately the patients. Here are seven steps that quality managers could use as a guide to protect the NPI process and to build operational excellence.

Good Reads #1: What is it like to be in the thick of an NPI?

Pharma cold chain logistics is very complex with many stakeholders involved. We all work hard to ensure that pharmaceuticals maintain optimal quality all the way to the patients. At m88官方下载 we believe that the best way to reach our common goal is to improve collaboration and mutual understanding across the logistics chain, we call it our eco-system thinking. Here, we share articles with our network that we think could benefit us all.

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